These are main dangers with Search Symphony virus infection. Upon that, it starts tracking the web session, redirecting search queries and injecting ads. When the article’s culprit infiltrates in, it alters certain browsers’ settings particularly the default homepage, new tab pages and search engine options. Usually, people get it bundled with other software downloaded from third party sites when they rush through the installation process. Search Symphony is a potentially unwanted application that can be installed on Mac computers without users’ consent. Steps to remove malicious extensions from Chrome browsers:.Guides on removing malicious plug-ins from Mozilla Firefox:.Instruction on removing suspicious Safari extensions:.Remove Search Symphony from Internet browsers.Remove Search Symphony related files and folders.Remove Search Symphony from Applications.Automatically remove Search Symphony from the Mac OS X.How to remove Search Symphony manually?.Remove Search Symphony from Mac OS X system.Remove Search Symphony virus to stop redirecting to shady portals.Complete tips to delete Search Symphony.